You want to transmit a position or temperatures at specific times. Every day the same, the entire year.
- 06:00 every day
- 06:00, 12:00, 18:00 every day
- 08:32, 17:12 every day
You want to receive messages from your Asstes at recurring time intervals. Every day the same, the entire year.
- every 8 hours every day
- every 24 hours every day
- every 7 days the whole year
You want different reporting intervals of the assets depending on the weekday and/or weekend.
In addition, differentiation by respective month is possible. This allows you to take seasonal requirements into account, for example.
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 08:00 and 18:00 respectively
- Saturday, Sunday in each case at 12:00 o'clock
- Monday at 09:00 o'clock, Tuesday at 10:00 o'clock
- November, December, January, February daily at 12:00
- March to October daily at 06:00 and 18:00
You want an automatic message when a predefined value is exceeded or not reached.
For example, also transferring positions on movement in a predefined time interval.
- Temperature overshoot > 60Β°C
- Temperature undershoot < 0Β°C
- Shock/acceleration greater than 4.5 G
- On movement every 30 minutes
You want to create custom combinations of multiple send interval models. For example, the consideration of weekdays, seasons and movement. Feel free to ask us - we will be happy to advise you.
- January to June every 12 hours
- July to November 06:00 h and 18:00 h
- December Monday to Friday 12:00, Saturday and Sunday with movement every 30 minutes