hero image career

Make your career with one of the leading telematics providers


Ready to become part of our team?

Send your application to career-telematics@rosenberger.com

We are delighted that you are interested in a position in our company. To ensure that we get the best possible impression of your skills and experience, we would like to give you some tips on how to organise and submit your application. Please make sure that your application documents are carefully designed and include all required documents such as cover letter, CV and relevant references and certificates. Please state the position you are applying for in the subject line. We will check your application thoroughly and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


What sets us apart

Niedrige Fluktuation Icon

Low fluctuation

Every person is important to us.
Continuity is lived by everyone.

Sicherer Arbeitgeber Icon

Safe employer

With the Rosenberger Group in the background, we offer you a secure job.

Starker Partner Icon

Strong partner

We live in partnerships with customers, suppliers, and employees.

International tätig Icon

Internationally active

Different cultures and nationalities among customers, suppliers, and employees.


Employee benefits

Innovativer Markt Icon

Innovative market

Work in a promising, innovative market

Kurze Entscheidungswege Icon

Short decision-making paths

We live fast decision-making processes

Mitarbeitervergütungen Icon

Employee benefits

Attractive discounts from 1,500 well-known suppliers in the employee store

Gratis Kaffee Icon

Free coffee

Coffee is free of charge for you


Rosenberger Group worldwide

As part of the Rosenberger Group, we have the security and stability of a global family business with over 15,000 employees. We also have all the freedom and expertise to make the necessary decisions for our customers as a "speedboat". This makes us extremely agile and efficient.

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