New references from construction and public transport: PORR & Verkehrsbetriebe Burgenland


When it comes to telematics, our customers turn into true magicians. They optimise their processes and reduce their costs at the snap of a finger. PORR AG reports on its 10-year partnership in the construction industry, while Verkehrsbetriebe Burgenland shares its experiences with Rosenberger Telematics in public transport.

The secret behind the success of PORR and Rosenberger Telematics: 17,000 devices, 10 years of networked data

The joint project started with 100 telematics devices in the test phase and one year later there were already 4000 installed devices. Today, PORR is 100% equipped in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and partially equipped in Poland and Romania. With the integration of the 17,000th telematics system, PORR has crowned its long-standing partnership with Rosenberger Telematics. Find out more about the initial challenges and developments.

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Telematics in public transport: regional connectivity with strategic foresight

Verkehrsbetriebe Burgenland stands for safety, reliability and innovation in public transport. The digitalisation of the vehicle fleet was therefore an important step towards meeting these requirements in the future. An experienced expert in the field of telematics solutions was chosen for the implementation. Since then, over 100 digital logbooks from Rosenberger Teleamtics have been in use.

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Autor: Yvonne Wagner
Rosenberger Telematics, Marketing & PR 

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